Our First Love Language
I believe one of the most important messages to communicate to those around us is that of love.
Having a newborn, you realize how difficult it is to communicate with someone who does not speak your language. Sometimes, in the midst of the cries (both yours and the baby’s), you wish there were a better way for you to tell each other your needs. So how can we express that most important message of love to our children?
Through touch.
Infants wont understand words of affirmation. They wont fully appreciate acts of service. Gifts will go unnoticed for a newborn.
Touch is the one thing that even babies understand. They crave to be held. They find peace in hearing your heartbeat or feeling the warmth of your skin. It is common knowledge now that skin-to-skin time with newborns is essential right after birth to help babies find comfort in their new surroundings and to help bond baby to her parents.